Participation in CVPR 2024

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KUIL is proud to announce our successful participation in the prestigious CVPR 2024 conference, held from 17 Jun 2024 – 21 Jun 2024 in Seattle, Washington, United States. Our team Demetris Lappas and Vasileios Argyriou, presented a groundbreaking paper titled Dynamic distinction learning: adaptive pseudo anomalies for video anomaly”, which explores pseudo-anomalies dynamic anomaly weighting and a distinction loss function to improve detection accuracy. The conference, known for showcasing the latest research in computer vision and pattern recognition, provided an incredible platform for sharing our work with the global research community.

Participating in CVPR 2024 offered an invaluable opportunity to connect with leading experts and innovators in the field. Our team attended various sessions, workshops, and keynote speeches, gaining insights into the latest trends and future directions in computer vision and AI. The collaborative environment fostered numerous networking opportunities, allowing us to exchange ideas and establish potential collaborations with other research groups and industry partners.